Video Game Nasties


Gears of War series

The German’s are back again, this time putting the dampers on Gears of War 1 and 2. No surprise there, as the games features some pretty brutal violence, thanks to blood spurts, grim tone and general all-round gore content. The game’s coupe de grace, the chain-gun, deserves a special mention. Death by chainsaw is never a nice prospect, and the developers pull no punches here; screen shaking uncontrollably and becoming soaked with splatters of blood every time you use it on an enemy. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre meets Aliens.

The fact that you are fighting against otherworld entities makes no difference to the sensitive Germanic panel board. A bloodthirsty death is a bloodthirsty death, no matter what planet they’re from.

Bizarrely enough after all that fuss, Gears of War 3 managed to escape a ban in Germany. Seriously. Go figure that one out.

