Video Game Nasties
Dead Rising series
Another victim of German laws, the Dead Rising series pulls no punches in terms of its graphic violence. Shooting, sawing, there’s a hundred and one ways to kill the undead in this game. Yes we know you’re fighting zombies, but it offended German censers and both titles were not allowed on the shelves.
There was also a legal dispute between Capcom and the makers of Dawn of the Dead, due to the similarities between both the game and film featuring masses of zombies in a shopping mall. Whilst not directly breaking US copyright laws, the matter was pursued in the high court which the video games publisher eventually won.
It is definetly becoming a huge problem with the young generation today as so many kids are getting so addictive to these so called games..
I’m a parent with a 12 year old son who has been to many people’s houses to go play the x box .. Manly on this cod game or black ops ..
He then suffers at night with nightmares.. We have had a meeting at the school earlier this week as his school work has been suffering and with their help we are going to try and focus him in other activities. As I’m so worried he is addicted himself judging by his behaviour of late..
The games are disgraceful in my mind and I feel it will only get worse..