Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order (PS4 / PC / XB1)
The Force hasn’t always been strong when it comes to Star Wars games, with a scattered history of great, good and occasionally mediocre to look back on. Having learnt from past mistakes, Electronic Arts have crafted a story-driven title with one of the most compelling central characters of recent memory in Cal Cestis, a runaway Jedi whose exploits take place between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. We have a good feeling about this…
Gaming Heaven
- Action-packed is an understatement, and within moments of playing this, you will find yourself jumping over explosions and hanging one handed over sheer drops as you make your escape from Imperial forces… and that is just the tutorial section.
- Combat is fun as you battle all manner of iconic Star Wars foes, and the enemy AI is a credit to the developers.
- Gameplay is a cross between the best bits of Tomb Raider, Uncharted, Metroid and Dark Souls.
- Plenty to keep you coming back here, with a multitude of secrets to geek-out on and special skins for your character and his equipment.
- Visually, this is a tour de force – there are no doubts we have a proper Star Wars game here.
Gaming Hell
- At times the game stumbles to keep up with the action on-screen, and can slow down considerably during busier segments.
Final Verdict
A Star Wars game worthy of the title, thanks to its solid story and incredible presentation, this should be number one on every sci-fi fan’s Christmas wish-list.